Do You Feel Run Down? | GPS Network

Do You Feel Run Down?

If you are like many Americans, you feel tired often and seemingly without that much exertion. It isn't an exact pin-pointable symptom that stands out, yet you simply "don't feel well."

Fatigue and tiredness are becoming a normalized in society when the fact is that feeling that way on a consistent basis is not normal. Fatigue that is not improved by bed rest has other underlying issues than just lack of sleep, though insomnia can play a part as well.

Conditions that can cause fatigue include:
Addison's disease
Thyroid issues
Congestive heart failure
Bipolar Disorder
Lack of potassium
Iron deficiency
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Urinary Tract Infection
Food poisoning
Sinus infection
Crohn's disease
Lyme's Disease
Stomach Ulcer
Cellular toxicity

The fact is that you do not have to have an underlying major diagnosis to feel chronically exhausted, and it is very likely not "all in your head", as you may have been told.

One of the simplest ways to uncover the cause or causes is to find a practitioner who offers Nutritional Response Testing. Through NRT they are able to discover any imbalances within the body - toxicity levels, mineral or vitamin deficiencies, weakened organs that need strengthening and help rebalance and boost the immune system through the use of properly tailored diet recommendations combined with supplementation.

Getting on a wellness program can, over time, detoxify and refeed the body allowing it to begin to heal and work at full capacity once again. Many of us live life running on half a tank without realizing it. The body is a marvelous machine that can compensate and make up for weakness. The problem is that when this state continues on an ongoing basis, the other areas of the body may begin to weaken and break down due to chronically being over used. This also causes break down and further weakening in the already weak area from non-use.

The media and misinformation have caused many of us to believe that as we age, it is normal and even expected to feel less and less well and that our only option is to cover that gradual unwellness with medications that mask the symptoms. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that as we age, our bodies do require maintenance (natural health care). When that is done - good health IS our natural state.

If you are ready to stop feeling tired and get back to health, give us a call here at by calling 239-947-1177.

Article Source: [] Do You Feel Run Down?

Blog, Updated at: 8:25 AM

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